About Us

About Smartiv.id

Welcome to Smartiv.id, the industry-leading hospitality platform designed for hotels, resorts, and hospitals. Our mission is to elevate guest and patient experiences by providing a tailored, seamless, and innovative solution.

Key Features for Hotels and Resorts:

  • Advanced Room Service: Personalized experiences for guests.
  • Integrated IPTV and PMS: Streamlined hotel management for efficiency.
  • Customized Digital Signage: Tailor public space TV information to your establishment’s needs.
  • Personalized Greetings and Promotions: Create a warm and inviting atmosphere.
  • Real-time Weather Information and Nearby Attractions: Empower guests with local insights.

Key Features for Hospitals:

  • Patient Information and Service Requests: Streamlining healthcare services.
  • Integration with Electronic Health Record (EHR) Systems: Enhancing patient care and record-keeping.
  • Customized Digital Signage for Waiting Areas: Providing informative content for patients.

Our Commitment: At Smartiv.id, we are committed to delivering cutting-edge solutions that redefine the hospitality and healthcare industries. Our values revolve around prioritizing privacy, ensuring data security, and providing unparalleled guest and patient experiences.

Contact Us: For inquiries, support, or collaboration opportunities, reach out to us at contact@smartiv.id. We look forward to partnering with your establishment and enhancing your services with Smartiv.id!

Thank you for choosing Smartiv.id for your hospitality and healthcare needs!